Here is advance notice about a SPECIAL FRIDAY AFTERNOON WOD that will be "off-site."
On Friday the 9am class will be at the Hut. The 3pm class will be held at Trisha's house at 25252 Malibu Road. We are in a period of very low, low tides... so we will take advantage of both the long flat beach AND Trisha's offer to host the WOD in her "front yard" You are welcome to bring kids and family to watch and/or join in. If you show up at the Hut for the 3pm on Friday-- you will find a note that says... see you at Trisha's!
Jennifer gets UP during the 12 Days of Christmas. |
Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
Shoot for max volume over 10 attempts, Score= sum of top 8 lifts x 2.
Three rounds for time of:
65kg Overhead squat, 10 reps
50 Double-unders
Post load(s) and times to journals/chalkboards.
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