Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thursday 120301 Open WOD 12.2

No doubt you have seen the Games site and the posting of WOD 12.2... once again it is a single modality WOD and an AMRAP.  On the single modality topic: we see a shift from light and fast with burpees to an increasingly heavy multiple rep Isabel.  Yes- many of the whiners are now happy, many of those who were happy with 12.1 might be whining.  Either way- this is the beginning of the playing field being leveled.. and they did it in one fell swoop.  A tit-for-tat on light vs. heavy.  Regarding the AMRAP... two in a row pretty much looks like there will be 3 more AMRAPS coming for the next 3 WODs... prehaps say...  5, 15 and 20 minute WODs in for 12.3, 4, and 5?

Remember last year's Open, WOD 11.3?  A five minute AMRAP of clean and jerk at 75/55kg.  MANY athletes at the Hut set personal records that night... and many more had multiple reps at their PR!  It was a magic night and THAT is why I am psyched up about WOD 12.2 today.   This is a rough equivalent to that WOD... as there are many people on the verge of both hitting PRs and also cracking through the 30 rep barrier and the 60 rep barrier.  For those of you competing at night- the briefing will begin at 5:30pm.  For those who want to/have to compete in the first heat that goes off just before 6pm... please arrive at 5pm and begin warming up.  We WILL run this WOD in each class throughout the day... feel free to attend and do the WOD... or simply warm up and work on technique if you plan to return in the evening.
Debbie locks out overhead in preparation for the Open!
Games Open WOD 12.2: class times at 6 and 9am, again at 4pm and 5:30pm.  Kids class at 3:15.
Proceed thru the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 snatch (M 75/F and Masters M (over55years) 45lbs)
30 snatch (M 135/F and Masters M (over55years) 75lbs)
30 snatch (M 165/F and Masters M (over55years) 100lbs)
Max rep snatch (M 210/F and Masters M (over55years)120 lbs)... Women masters over 55 years, see site for full display of weights for each round
This workout begins from the standing position. The athlete will complete all reps at the first weight before advancing to the next weight. Score is total reps completed in 10min.

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