Monday, March 12, 2012

Tuesday 120313 Heavy Cleans and Row

As adults, there are not many surprises.  I mean the kind  that, as a kid, parents often hold out there as a mysterious secret that you anticipate... the Christmas morning type of feeling that you look forward to.  That is sort of how the Open feels to me.  We get to anxiously await the coming WOD... wondering if it will suit our strengths and hoping if it is a weakness, then at least it will be bearable.  That anticipation begins a few hours after recovering from the previous WOD... and slowly builds early in the week until WEDNESDAY... 5pm.  Can you feel the curiosity increasing?  Is it accompanied by excitement or anxiety?  If excitement... GOOD.  Think positively about the fact that you have trained hard and will be able to push through it.  If anxiety... reflect on that.  How can you twist this into something more energy-providing instead of energy-sapping?  There have been 3 Open WODs before... you've done fine.  You've gotten through it and you will again.  Have FUN with the mysteriousness of now knowing what will come up for Thursday.  Let it be like that pre-holiday excitement... the kind that fills you with energy and enthusiasm that culminates in the big Thursday Night Event!
AC gets in some balance training... light and fast.

Tuesday's WOD; 6 and 9am,  4 and 6pm.  Kids class at 3:15pm.
5-5-5-3-3(1-1) Squat Clean
1000m row for time
Post loads and row time to journals/chalkboard/PR boards!

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