Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thursday 120906 21-15-9 Plus

A few announcements on a variety of different topics:
  • Dan and Nanette have a new son/Odin and Hunter have a new brother named Tyr Emerson... born September 1st.  All are healthy and happy.  Mom drove herself home from the hospital.
  • Julia got her first deadhang pull up before strength class last night- congrats!
  • Jordan is coaching the 6am class today (among other classes), join him for the sunrise session
  • No yoga this weekend... but join in for a fun Nemesis WOD at 10am on Saturday
  • Put Sunday, October 7th on your schedule for the Santa Monica 5000 (a 5k run, details to come)
  • Another save-the-date is the October 12-14 CFM Getaway in Ojai; meditation, yoga and CF!
CFM's newest member... a 6lb. 9oz. bundle.
Thursday's WOD: class times at 6 and 9am, 4 and 6pm.  Fundamentals class at 8am.
For time, Complete:
500m row*
21-15-9 rep/rounds of
Push press 45/35kg
Toes to bar
400m run*
*row/run sequence may be altered to fit class sizes
Post time and scaling to journals/chalkboard


  1. 50 SDHP with 2 pood KB replace of Row 500
    Push Press 50kg
    Run 400

  2. Nice work Matt!.... we are proud to be your programming source :)
