Thursday, November 15, 2012

Friday 121116 Friday Chipper

Have you ever been to the CrossFit "Main Page"?   That is crossfit-ese for   It is how CrossFit started, actually.  After years of training individuals and small groups, Greg Glassman (aka "Coach") began posting the WODs on a website so that they were accessible to everyone.  People started checking the web page, doing the WOD, and "posting results to comments."  It started with just a few handfuls of followers... and now there are 5,000 CrossFit affiliates worldwide. What started as a guy training people using his experimental methods... resulted in YOU training at CrossFit Malibu.
Tomorrow's CrossFit Main Page post
So now you have seen the "Main Page"  A WOD shows up there each evening... in the same way that one shows up at each night.  Let me point out some typical features:
  • The date and a WOD description... this one happens to be a "rest day" which happens every 4th day on a rotating basis.  There is also a CF-related picture always posted.
  • There are links to interesting articles, videos, quotes, etc.
  • Then there is always a COMMENTs section.  Check it out!
Let me highlight one more thing:  On The Nov 16th (today's) Main Page... click on the article entitled, "A Metabolic Analysis of CrossFit's Elite".. if  you click here it will redirect you to teh CrossFit Journal article that was filmed at the Hut featuring the Pepperdine Sports Medicine Department.  Watch it!

Friday’s WOD: classes at 7, 9, 10am and again at 3 and 5pm.
Dynamic Front Squat
10 Minutes, Every minute on the minute, 3 reps @ 50%1RM (maintain load and speed throughout)
Friday Chipper, for time:
50 Sit ups
45 Steps walking lunge
400m run
35 Push ups
30 Kettlebell swings (20/16)
25 Wall ball shots (20/16)
20 Burpees
15 Tire flips (or if raining- 50kg supine grip deadlift to arm curl)
Post front squat load and chipper time and scaling to journals/chalkboard.

1 comment:

  1. Well done pepp sports med dept. I concur Jason "slightly above average."
