Monday, November 19, 2012

Tuesday 121120 Row, Run, Jump... plus.

This is the first in a short series entitled: "Name the Mystery Lifter"  Here is how you play- take a look at the picture below and name the athlete in the picture.  You can post to comments here on the blog... or to the CFM FB page.  The Game is on... ready GO!
Name the mystery lifter!
Tuesday's WOD- classes at 6 and 9am, again at 4 and 6pm.  Fundamentals class at 8am.
For 19 minutes on a running clock, complete:
In 5 minutes- 500m row, then in remaining time- AMRAP of 7 back burpees and 7 kettlebell swings 24/20kg
Rest exactly 2 minutes
In 5 minutes- 400m run, then in remaining time- AMRAP of 7 push-ups and 7 pull ups
Rest exactly 2 minutes
In 5 minutes- 100 Double unders (2 minute time limit), then in remaining time, AMRAP of 7 wallball shots and 7 sit ups.
Post total time for row+run+DU (one single number) and total rounds for all 3 AMRAPs added together

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