Make or miss? Hey Nate... do you remember this one at Malibu High School?!:)
Friday's WOD: classes at 7, 9, 10am and again at 3 and 5pm.
Yes, you might have done 13.2 last night... but come today and get loosened up!
LONG warm up session with mobility work
For time, complete:
400m run
21 pull ups
21 power cleans- all touch and go (45/25kg)
400m run
15 pull ups
15 power cleans- maybe t and g, maybe NOT (55kg/35kg)
400m run
9 pull ups
9 power cleans- how ever you get there (65/45kg)
Post WOD time and scaling to journals/chalkboard
WOD Notes:
Planning on hitting 13.2 at 8:30am on Saturday morning? You CAN do this WOD, but perhaps not for time. Be smart.
Can't do 45/25kg on the first round Touch and GO? Then you should NOT be doing that much weight. Scale accordingly.
To go Rx on the pull ups- you need to be able to do at LEAST 11 at a time. If you can't then scale it.
Recovery WOD? More like Mike's guess for 13.3. Have fun.